
On ERV, Abbie Smith provides an update on a pioneering treatment for hemophilia that uses viruses to insert missing genes in a patient's DNA. Hemophilia results from from the mutation or deletion of a gene that makes a blood clotting agent called Factor IX; without it, hemophiliacs are at risk for uncontrolled bleeding. While Factor IX can be delivered pharmaceutically, utilizing viruses to modify patients' DNA yields long-term improvements in natural Factor IX production. Abbie writes, "the amount of therapeutic Factor IX these patients needed (on average) dropped from 2613 IU/kg to 206. The…
FINALLY! A free paper that explains the basics of viral quasispecies!!! YAAAAAY!!! Quasispecies Theory and the Behavior of RNA Viruses ARG! I have been wanting a paper like this to come out for AGES! I dont back down from explaining complex topics to you guys, but 'quasispecies' is just so weird... I am going to reference this thing all the time now! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Survival of the flattest! **HAPPY-DANCE**
Super awesome review of viral quasispecies and what they mean, historically and currently: Unfinished stories on viral quasispecies and Darwinian views of evolution. They touch on so many good points, I could write about this review for a week! But just read it, cause I think you all can access it for free :P One point I love: Quasispecies are like A Wrinkle in Time, connecting the origin of life to modern day viruses: (on the origin of the quasispecies concept) First, there was the interaction between ideas from different fields of science such as physical chemistry and biological evolution…