Two videos that Patrick Boyle and I made were selected for the Bio:Fiction Film Festival! One of the prizes is an online audience award, and you can watch and rate all of the films! It's such an honor to be part of this festival and to be showing our work next to that of so many amazing artists, scientists, and filmmakers, and we would be super thrilled if you voted for us!
Here are our videos! First, the world premiere of Compound 74, a fictional documentary about a possible future of synthetic drug design through synthetic biology:
And second, the commercial we made for Ginkgo BioWorks--…
Before you get your tickets for SB 5.0 make sure that you'll be in town for the world's first Synthetic Biology Slam!
Perhaps you have noticed that I haven't been blogging very much lately. Probably not, which is why I don't ever do these "sorry for not posting" posts, but I'm making an exception this time because it is a very special occasion. So, apologies for my recent lack of posts, but I got married last weekend! Of course, my wedding was not without biologically inspired design appropriate for mention on this blog. On my special day I wore Nervous System's algae inspired Filament Necklace.
Nervous System is a small and awesome company that combines background in biology, architecture, math, and…
What do you get when you combine two of my favorite things, synthetic biology and documentary film? We may never know if Sam and George don't get the funding they need on Kickstarter!
I don't usually do this kind of thing, but I met these guys while they were filming in Boston and their movie promises to be really good and really interesting and really educational (and I might even be in it!). You can check out some of their videos from the road on their vimeo page, including this one from the University of Wisconsin iGEM team: