Peter Wood

This is a guest post from John Mashey. An amusing coincidence surfaced a few days ago, relating the US Presidential campaign of Texas Governor Rick Perry to the Peter Wood kerfuffle at Chronicle of Higher Education (CHE), including the stir in some parts of the blogosphere. I explain that, followed by the weird background. 0) Rick Perry and Peter Wood 1) Chronology at CHE and NAS 2) Deltoid and elsewhere 3) Climate thuggery discovered by blogosphere 4) Chronology of the thuggery wave 5) Conclusion 0) Rick Perry and Peter Wood See Washington Post, 08/18/11 Fact-Checker: href="http://www.…
At The Chronicle of Higher Education's blog Peter Wood excuses Wegman's plagiarism, calling it a flyspeck: Mashey has been, as he puts it, "trying to take the offense" against global warming skeptics by flyspecking their publications. "You hope they make a mistake," he says, and when they do, he pounces with demands that journals retract whole articles. Some journals indeed have. Compare with Wood's comments on Wade Churchill's dismissal for plagiarism: Yesterday Denver District Court Judge Larry J. Naves turned down Ward Churchill's motion to be reinstated in his professorial position. The…