
The move is complete (finally) ... so maybe I can settle down a bit, right? Right? The world's deadliest volcano? Anyway, a few things I stumbled across this week: Forbes has a list boldly titled "World's Deadliest Volcanoes", which more or less is a slideshow of nice volcano pictures and some dubious ranking - mostly based on death toll (and cribbing a bit from IAVCEI's "Decade Volcanoes"). Of course, I find it amusing that they made a list of "deadliest volcanoes" and then proceed to tell people (read "tourists") what to do near the so-called "deadly" volcanoes. I suppose it…
The clock is ticking for the new dome growing at Redoubt to collapse. What will happen if/when it does collapse? Good question! The new dome at Redoubt. Image courtesy of AVO/USGS, taken by Game McGimsey, April 30, 2009. Most likely, the following will occur: First, extrusion of lava will cause the dome to over-steepen, precipitating the collapse (although a large seismic event could also trigger collapse as well). An excellent example of this is the spine that grew at Mont Pelee on Martinique in 1902 before the famous eruption that destroyed St. Pierre and killed >30,000 people. When it…
Image courtesy of AVO/USGS. Taken by Cyrus Read Based on the current levels of seismicity over the past 36 hours, AVO has returned Redoubt to Orange/Watch status from Red/Warning. This doesn't mean that the eruption is over, just that things have settled down a bit. Flights to and from Anchorage have resumed as well. You can read the full statement here, but the take-home messages are: AVO expects this to be like the 1989-1990 dome-building eruptions, although no new dome magma has been seen yet (mostly thanks to poor weather). Dome collapse will likely generate pyroclastic flows with…