
Tina Fey, ah, Sarah Palin, um, not sure, produces point by point rebuttal to Elizabeth Warren's speech on progressive values: And now ...
It is very likely that Sarah Palin's political career will end in a few hours from now. Sarah Palin's Gubermail, the email that was sent or received from her office during her aborted term as Governor of Alaska, will be release to the public any minute now. Some news agencies such as the Washington Post have set up web sites to have readers sift through the trove of trouble and find what they may. Even a smart and effective, but otherwise boring and well behaved politician will have Wieners of some sort in his or her email. Sarah is a dumbass with questionable family relationships.…
"I gotta make a choice and go with the intelligent woman who's every bit as attractive" That's what Michele Bachmann's new high-powered advisor, Ed Rollins told Politico the other day. This is perfect. We are being asked, by the Bachmann campaign, to chose between Bachmann and Palin using the following decision chain: 1) Is the candidate attractive? (Yes/No) ...2a) If No, reject candidate. ...2b) If Yes: Is the candidate intelligent? ......3a) If no, reject candidate. ......3b) If yes, vote for candidate. And this is supposed to lead us to select Michel Bachmann over Sarah Palin? And that…
First, watch this: Mention of crosshairs at 2:20. Then, Gabby got her head shot through with a bullet. Then (blood libel phrase is at ca 3:20) : Notice how she forgets to use the term "alleged" ... so much for the fifth amendment. Notice the very intense attempt circumscribe responsibility and rip the event from context. She is obviously FOS when she disavows her own responsibility, but at least she is repeatedly saying that debate should be peaceful. That does in fact knock the legs out of her overall rhetoric and will be used against her in the future by other teabaggers. It may…
Going Rogue: An American Life is the name of Sarah Palin's new book, due out on November 17th. Here's the publisher's summary: From her humble beginnings to her time in the spotlight as the first female Republican Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin has led an extraordinary life. Going Rogue will recount her political experiences, her time as Mayor of Wasilla and as the first female governor of Alaska, as well as her rapid rise on the national stage during the 2008 campaign. Additionally, she'll share insights into the personal challenges she's faced including balancing her time as a…
Sarah Palin gave her first speech outside the US, to the CLSA Investors Forum, in Tokyo, on Reqaganomics, China and Human Rights, Tibet, and the economices of the United States and Asia. She apparently also covered Alaskan Moose. The speech was 90 minutes long. Several people left early, there was apparently some kind of non-disclosure agreement because the press could not get most people to issue any kind of opinion, and those who did opine were generally non-committal with some mildly positive, some mildly negative. Opinions gleaned from the CNN story: "I can't say I was actually…
Well, there are different theories on this, and one is that there is a regional accent that runs from the great Lakes across central and western Canada and the norther Tier of the US. That's my theory, and I think it is correct. Furthermore, I think this accent is the product of Native American and Euro-Immigrant interaction int he 19th century through the depression. But that theory, as with many of my theories, gets the White Folks mad because it attributes a feature they hold dear to subaltren little brown people and they tend to find that annoying. Now we have a new theory that is not…
It probably helps that Sarah Palin came out with an over the top statement on her facebook page. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
And a few words about Michele Bachamann. Oh, and he makes the claim that Dan Quail was brilliant. Brilliant! Man, this guy sure does know how to babble. At least he admits that he is a moron several times. More details and analysis here, at DMB.
Christos Greek Restaurant is one of three well-known Greek restaurants in Minneapolis. The other two are It's Greek to Me and Gardens of Salonica. Which one you like may be a matter of cultural survival. It turns out that Greek restaurants in Minneapolis are to the citizens of this area what operating systems and political candidates are to computer users and activists. You've got one you love, and the rest suck. Although I've lived here long enough to be mistaken at times for a native, this particular form of Greek love/hate is not one I've assimilated. I've been to all three of these…
More Sara Palin Funnee
Watch the whole thing, especially starting around 2:30. \
... of the geography game: ...Perhaps one of the most astounding and previously unknown tidbits about Sarah Palin has to do with her already dubious grasp of geography. According to Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron, there was great concern within the McCain campaign that Palin lacked "a degree of knowledgeability necessary to be a running mate, a vice president, a heartbeat away from the presidency," in part because she didn't know which countries were in NAFTA, and she "didn't understand that Africa was a continent.. Apparently she thought it was a country. A lot of…
When I was four, Billy, a neighborhood bully, did something bad to my best friend. I saw this as a serious affront, as did others. All the kids, and even the adults, were aghast. There was a veritable outcry, for he had stepped over a line over which no one should step. I do not recall what Billy did to my best friend. It must have been pretty bad, but I simply don't remember. But I do remember quite clearly what I did in retribution. I remember the plan I made, the steps I carried out, and I remember the look on Billy's face when I carried out the plan. And I remember the aftermath,…
As if this and this weren't enough, below we have McCain himself applying the "Palin lives near Russia" litmus test for foreign policy experience. Around minute 2:30: GIBSON: Can you honestly say you feel confident having someone who hasn't traveled outside the United States until last year, dealing with an insurgent Russia, with an Iran with nuclear ambitions, with an unstable Pakistan, not to mention the war on terror? MCCAIN: Sure. And one of the key elements of America's national security requirements are energy. She understands the energy issues better than anybody I know in Washington…