
On this blog. Below is the relative percentage of operating system use by the readers of this blog from a four month longs sample form the middle of the year last year compared to the most recent six months this year. There is not a lot of change, but notice the nearly five percent drop i nWindows use, which seems to be taken up mainly by an increase in the use of iOS. In addition, Linux use has dropped a worrying two percent. However, really, OSX and Android etc. are all based on Unix-like operating systems, so the numbers for this year can be recalculated to look like this: But…
This is a continuation of a series of posts written for non-geeks just starting out with Linux. Today, we look at the concept of a "distro" and why it is important to you as an average user of Linux. It would be nice if you knew the meaning of these terms ... OS (operating system), Distribution, Kernel, Window Manager, Desktop .... but mainly it would be nice to know about "distribution" because it really puts all the other terms and concepts together. An Operating System is a part of your computer that does not do any of the things you need your computer to do, but without which…