optical illusions

Every now and then a news story comes along that makes me want to repost this particular thing I wrote a long time ago. And it has happened again. First, the news story: National Geographic Channel has run a poll in which they found that 36% of Americans "believe UFO's exist." This is in line with previous results. There are other findings as well, but one item is new. The survey asked people who would do a better job of fighting off Aliens if they come to earth and, well, wanna fight. Obama killed Romney on that question. So just keep that in mind when you are in the voting booth,…
When you look at yourself from a universal standpoint, something inside always reminds or informs you that there are bigger and better things to worry about. -Albert Einstein I woke up this morning with the Sun in my face, which marks the first time all year that that's happened. (The irony, that I'm now listening to the Grateful Dead's "Looks Like Rain.") And after a few seconds had passed (you know, it takes me a few seconds to realize that I'm not still in my dream, trying to navigate through some bizarre hotel corridor), I realized I couldn't read the numbers on my old LED alarm clock.…
tags: osprey, fish eagle, Pandion haliaetus, raptors, streaming video This viral streaming video depicts 10 optical illusions in two minutes, and reveals how they are done. Despite the fact this is made by a company as a form of advertizing, I still think it is interesting to watch [2:16].
Starts With A Bang! is off to a great start; each the past three days we have topped the 100 visitor mark, bringing our total number of unique visitors up to 1,413! I'm going to attempt to start a new tradition here of making a weekend post on a topic that I just find neat, and share it with you. This first Weekend Diversion is an optical illusion about color. Take a look at the image below: Looks like a cube with a bunch of different colors on it. Now do the following: Look at the top face of the cube, and tell me what color the tile in the middle of that face is. Look at the near face,…