ocean conservancy

Welcome to the eleventh and by far the most important, although surprisingly the most poorly formatted, installment of Carnival of the Blue. Before we get down to the watery, salty, and sometimes rubbery details, we wanted to take a moment to ponder the significance of Zooillogix's role as host of the eleventh COB. Why not the fifth or the ever popular tenth? Why not the second or maybe seventh, sixth, eighth, ninth or third? Well, according to Biblestudy.org, "If ten is the number which marks the perfection of Divine order, then eleven is an addition to it, subversive of and undoing that…
In celebration of World Oceans Day, Mark Powell, Director of Fish Conservation-Ocean Conservancy, has painstakingly put together a list of many of the leading ocean bloggers, and Zooillogix made the cut! Click here to check out Mark's awesome blog, Blogfishx, and read up on some of the bloggers united together to protect and report on the ocean and all of its creatures. Mark deserves serious props for all the work he's put in. Hopefully bringing all these ocean-oriented bloggers together can yield some good for the critters in the sea. Great work, Mark! Add to: Slashdot del.icio.…