The Egyptian dictator, Hosni Mubarak, has resigned, finally relenting to weeks of massive protests. Is he the latest casualty of climate change?
This is a provacative question, but I believe one worth discussing. Obviously, there are always many factors in a people's uprising, the precise balance of which will always be subjective and varied from protestor to protestor. But that doesn't mean said factors can not be isolated and examined each on their own.
Like any extreme hot weather event, it is not possible to attribute this directly to a change in global climate, but like said weather…
Some good news for a change. Well done chaps! Now, how about that dictatorship we're propping up in Saudi Arabia?
I didn't actually do anything useful in all this (other than copy-editing the wikipedia article, I'm sure that boosted their revolutionary fervour) but I was rooting for them.
Brian was more useful.
On a lighter note: don't try this at home:
* Egypt's Mubarak resigns as leader (BBC)