life technologies

As many educators know, the elementary and middle school years are critical periods in which students' interest in science can "wither on the vine" if efforts are not made early to engage young learners in such subjects in exciting and creative ways. This is why global biotech leader Life Technologies -- as it prepares to return as a major Sponsor of the USA Science & Engineering Festival next spring.-- will devote a major portion of its outreach exhibits at the finale Expo to wowing elementary and middle school students through a wide range of interactive science activities. "We know…
Check out this interview with Brian Pollock, Chief Scientific Officer of Life Technologies one of our sponsor organizations on the USA Science and Engineering Festival. This interview was posted on Earth Sky another one of our partner organizations. Brian Pollok, Ph.D., is Life Technologies' chief scientific officer and Head of Global Research and Development. He oversees the allocation of more than $350 million in R&D funds annually, which has yielded innovative new products in the areas of DNA sequencing, cell analysis, and molecular biology. Dr. Pollok has been with Life Technologies…
More huge news in the sequencing industry, following on from the public share offer from Pacific Biosciences - relative newcomer to the field, Ion Torrent, has just been bought by Life Technologies for an impressive US$375 million in cash and stock, with an option to increase by a further US$350 million if "certain technical and time-based milestones" are met by the end of 2012. Ion Torrent made a splash with its launch at this year's Advances in Genome Biology and Technology meeting in February (here's my coverage from the meeting). The company has developed a sequencing technology based on…