lambda calculus

Lambda calculus started off with the simple, untyped lambda calculus that we've been talking about so far. But one of the great open questions about lambda calculus was: was it sound? Did it have a valid model? Church found that it was easy to produce some strange and non-sensical expressions using the simple lambda calculus. In order to try to work around those problems, and end up with a consistent system, Church introduced the concept of *types*, producing the *simply typed lambda calculus*. Once types hit the scene, things really went wild; the type systems for lambda calculi have never…
So in the last few posts, I've been building up the bits and pieces that turn lambda calculus into a useful system. We've got numbers, booleans, and choice operators. The only thing we're lacking is some kind of repetition or iteration. In lambda calculus, all iteration is done by recursion. In fact, recursion is a pretty natural way of expressing iteration. It takes a bit of getting used to, but anyone who's programmed in a language like Scheme, ML, or Haskell for a while gets very used to idea, and feels frustrated coming back to a language like Java, where you need to write loops. It can…
I'm on vacation this week, so I'm posting reruns of some of the better articles from when Goodmath/Badmath was on Blogger. Todays is a combination of two short posts on numbers and control booleans in λ calculus. So, now, time to move on to doing interesting stuff with lambda calculus. To start with, for convenience, I'll introduce a bit of syntactic sugar to let us name functions. This will make things easier to read as we get to complicated stuff. To introduce a *global* function (that is a function that we'll use throughout our lambda calculus introduction without including its declaration…
I'm on vacation this week, so I'm recycling some posts that I thought were particularly interesting to give you something to read. ------------ In computer science, especially in the field of programming languages, we tend to use one particular calculus a lot: the Lambda calculus. Lambda calculus is also extensively used by logicians studying the nature of computation and the structure of discrete mathematics. Lambda calculus is great for a lot of reasons, among them: 1. It's very simple. 2. It's Turing complete. 3. It's easy to read and write. 4. It's semantics are strong enough that we can…