
I've designed an outline, which can be used as a table of contents, for a computer book about anything. In this case, about foo bar. Preface Forward Introduction Overview What is foo bar? Before you start A brief history of foo bar A longer history of foo bar Why you want to use foo bar Why you might not want to use foo bar Alternatives to foo bar Obtaining foo bar Installing foo bar Getting help on foo bar Getting help on reading this book about foo bar Alliterative methods of installing foo bar Installing foo bar from source code Installing foo bar from alternate binaries Installing foo…
Please someone make this happen. Thank you very much.
We don't mean to kvetch, but the new website we promised back in June is still as elusive as cold fusion. Scientific research, of course, is going strong, and we even continue to write about it, but no one can read about it on our website (and therefore, we can't offer links to articles on the newest findings). In the meantime, here is the October image from our 2010-2011 calendar: It looks like quite a simple apparatus, but in many ways, it was far ahead of its time. It was called a mechanochemical engine, and it was created at the Institute in the 1950s by Prof. Aharon Katzir. Katzir…
tags: TEDTalks, biomimicry, technology, Janine Benyus, streaming video Janine Benyus has a message for inventors: When solving a design problem, look to nature first. There you'll find inspired designs for making things waterproof, aerodynamic, solar-powered and more. Here she reveals dozens of new products that take their cue from nature with spectacular results.. [20:15] TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.