H.Res. 1660
Thank you Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers for supporting HR 1660 and your support for STEM education in Eastern Washington! Read below:
13 October 2010
Dear Friends,
I write to you with tremendous excitement about the recent passage of H.R. 1660, which promotes the objectives of the first USA Science & Engineering Festival. This national festival, which will take place in Washington, DC from October 10-24, 2010, will feature over 550 organizations from across the United States.
As a strong proponent of innovation, education and entrepreneurship, I support this festival and all the…
The inaugural USA Science & Engineering Festival received the official stamp of approval from both Houses of Congress recently when the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate each passed resolutions honoring and supporting the goals of the nationwide event.
In doing so, the House of Representatives approved H. Res 1660, and the Senate unanimously agreed to its version of this resolution by passing S. Res 656.
We are extremely happy about these developments since Congressional recognition of the importance of science and engineering to future American competitiveness can help us…
Read about Bart Gordon's support of the USA Science and Engineering Festival in House resolution 1660 and watch it below
As prepared for delivery
Madam Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.Res. 1660, a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of the inaugural USA Science and Engineering Festival.
I want to congratulate the gentleman from California (Mr. Bilbray) for introducing this resolution.
A number of much-publicized studies have shown that the mathematics and science achievement of American students is poor by international standards. There is a dark cloud over the future of…