hockey stick

This is about the law suit filed by Michael Mann against the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the National Review, Mark Steyn, and Rand Simberg because of accusations they made that were actionable. Michael Halpern summarized: Competitive Enterprise Institute’s space technology and policy analyst, Rand Simberg, recently wrote a blog post in which he compared Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann to former university football coach and convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky. CEI published the post on its own blog, and the National Review decided it was appropriate to pass along. Michael…
Who is Steve McIntyre? From Stephen McIntyre has been a long-time mining industry executive, mostly working on the “stock market side” of mining exploration deals. He published a blog called Climate Audit where he attempts to analyse in sometimes long and extensive detail the work of climate change scientists where he documents “statistical mistakes” in peer-reviewed scientific literature. ... McIntyre has been described as a “persistent amateur who had no credentials in applied science before stepping into the global warming debate in 2003” and has been a prominent critic of…
You probably already know about Michael Mann's book, "The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines." The ongoing assault on climate science in the United States has never been more aggressive, more blatant, or more widely publicized than in the case of the Hockey Stick graph -- a clear and compelling visual presentation of scientific data, put together by MichaelE. Mann and his colleagues, demonstrating that global temperatures have risen in conjunction with the increase in industrialization and the use of fossil fuels. Here was an easy-to-understand graph that, in…
On April 2nd, I posted three iconic graphs showing some of the clear observational evidence that we’re changing the climate. That post produced a substantial, and largely thoughtful response, and a request for more information and data along these lines. Here are three more, along with a bonus fourth, all with a theme of exponential growth – the powerful force that is behind much of the concern about climate change and many other environmental and social challenges. Figures like these are increasingly called “hockey stick” curves, after the work of Professor Michael Mann and others in the…
The current Wikipedia entry for Climate Change has about 7000 words on that one page (including notes, all the other words that show up on Wikipedia pages). The current Wikipedia entry for the Hockey Stick Controversy has about 25,000 words in all. The controversy over one aspect of climate change, the basic observation of temperature change known as the hockey stick graph, is certainly not more complex than, more important than, or harder to explain than climate change as a whole. Is this a failing of Wikipedia? A success for the Climate Science Deniers who are also hoping to have the…
This is a hockey stick: This is the Grim Reaper's Scythe: This is global temperature over the last 10,000 years projected into the immediate future using good scientific estimates: You decide. Should the Hockey Stick be replaced with the Grim Reaper's Scythe? More information on the climate change graphic HERE. See more climate change graphics HERE. If you are not sure what any of this is about, you can read about the Hockey Stick thing here.
I am not afraid of admitting my own areas of ignorance.  The human body of knowledge is enormous and no one can possess all of it, or even be moderately familiar with all of it.  The only shame is in pretending otherwise. This admission fundamentally shapes my personal approach to the whole Hockeystick/Dendrochronology/Michael Mann brouhaha, which continues to this day despite MBH98 having receded into the rather distant past, in scientific research terms. I have to rely more on networks of trust and take a more removed view of it all and generally park that paper and that famous graph in the…
"Show me the code!" This is the rallying cry of climate "skeptics" everywhere and the foundation of the numerous climate conspiracy insinuations hurled around the blogosphere. Well, apparently what is good for the goose, the infamous Hockeystick, is not so good for the gander, the Wegman Report. Please see John Mashey's article on Desmog Blog. Where is the code promised to Waxman almost 6 years ago?  Dr. Mann's code was written for a research paper in 1999. Wegman's was used for a high-profile Congressional report widely publicized by Reps. Joe Barton and Ed Whitfield, announced in the Wall…
Climate scientist Michael Mann is no stranger to smear campaigns. Man has the distinction of having made important contributions to climate science, for which he shared the Nobel Peace Prize. He is famous to many of you for having come up with the "hockey stick" metaphor. Michael Mann is a good scientist who has done honest, important, and high quality work, but there are those who don't want to hear about the results he and other climate scientists have come up with. So, they hate him. And by "hate" I don't mean that they sit there not liking him. I mean, they actively hate him. They…
Quite possibly Pete Sinclair's best and most important videos yet. Click here to get more background from Peter Sinclair's site. The post refers to this book: The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines
This really must be read to be believed. IANAL, but surely this is over the top, to use the legal jargon. It is a clearly an impossible demand. Untitled Anyone have a link to an unembedded document? [UPDATE: never mind, it is here[PDF]]
I always marvel at the scientist-government conspiracy theories the more wacky members of the climate denial machine toss around so confidently. How do they fit this into their world view? In papers sent to UVA April 23, Cuccinelli's office commands the university to produce a sweeping swath of documents relating to Mann's receipt of nearly half a million dollars in state grant-funded climate research conducted while Mann-- now director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State-- was at UVA between 1999 and 2005. ... Among the documents Cuccinelli demands are any and all emailed or…
Yet another faux fraud in the climate wars with the same liars and hypocrites piping in. Real Climate has a nice display of all the hockey sticks out there, and Denial Depot has the most compelling attack. Deltoid gives us a great run down of the kerfuffle.
Well, I play Air hockey, Ball hockey, Barn Hockey, Bubble Hockey, Field hockey, Floor hockey, Ice hockey, Kitchen hockey, Road hockey, Roller hockey, Table hockey, Twist hockey And I play hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey all the time! Take shots! -- Jughead Take shots, indeed. Steve McIntyre is at it again, Tim "Deltoid" Lambert has the goods, and Gavin at Real Climate has an even more snarky response. But if you're too lazy to read the whole torrid thing, I'll summarize, because I'm pretty good at it, if I…
This is just one of dozens of responses to common climate change denial arguments, which can all be found at How to Talk to a Climate Sceptic. Objection: The Hockey Stick graph, the foundation of global warming theory, has been refuted and shown to be scientifically invalid, perhaps even a fraud. Answer: The first order of business here is to correct the mischaracterization of this single paleoclimate study as the "foundation" of Global Warming theory. It is anything but! What is going on today is unique and is understood by study of today's data and the best scientific theories the…