
File under "Why Didn't I Think Of That?": I guess da Vinci was right. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." H/T Surfstation
Dear Readers, here's your chance to weigh in: Over at the Atlantic, David Shenk, a sharp writer who keeps a blog there called "The Genius in Us All," has posted a gentlemanly smackdown ("Metaphor fight! Shenk and Dobbs square off") that he and I had via email last week regarding the "orchid-dandelion" metaphor I used in my recent Atlantic piece, "Orchid Children" (online version title: "The Science of Success"). Every metaphor has its limits, and David Shenk, a highly capable writer, recognizes that well. Yet he thinks this orchid-dandelion metaphor is fatally flawed, at least as I use it…
You know, in some ways, this explains a lot. A new study from the American Journal of Public Health reveals that kids with higher IQs tend to drink more when they get older. The association is particularly true for smart women. The likelihood of developing a drinking problem if one were well above average intelligence increased 1.38 times in women and 1.17 times in men. Now, to be fair, the kids who were just a bit above normal didn't have this problem. It's only the real geniuses that were prone to drinking. So if your kid's just a little smarter than everyone else, that's cool. But if your…