Ascension with its four days off is shaping up to be the geekiest time of the year. This time I had three big events to choose from: the LinCon gaming convention, the Kontur/SweCon scifi convention and the 45th anniversary of the Tolkien Society. Tolkienians do things in nines.
I decided to spend two days at LinCon on the Linköping University campus and one day at Kontur/SweCon in an Uppsala hotel, saving the Sunday for family pastimes.
Here are the games I played at LinCon. And I had lots of free Nepalese tea from the tea bar!
Through the Ages II (2015). This update of a 2006 civilisation…
What better way for a bunch of science geeks to celebrate a birthday than by having a science party? We spent a lot of time making delicious science-themed snacks, and I have to say, they came out pretty good!
Bacterial jello plates. They looked a bit too relastic, the cell biologists wouldn't touch them.
More plates, this time made with rice pudding. Tastier than jello, but less popular due to looks.
DIY electrophoresis jello. The red dye didn't migrate, but the yellow colouring of the jello did!
Obligatory placebo gag.
The text reads sample:alcohol 1:2. It didn't lie.
I've often been referred to as a nerd, dork, geek, etc, so I thought I ought to own up to it right away. I wouldn't want to give the impression that this blog is going to be written by someone with immaculate fashion sense and a keen eye for shoes. But which, pray tell, am I really? A nerd, a dork, or a geek? It turns out that the three don't exactly mean what I thought they did, and after extensive Wikipedia research I've settled on Nerd. Why?
Well, for one, I'm not a Geek. While the definition of Geek is up for interpretation, the classic meaning of "Geek" is a derogatory term for a person…