Foreign Bodies

Shah J, Majed A, Rosin D. Rectal salami. Int J Clin Pract. 2002 Sep;56(7):558-9. You have no idea how hard I'm fighting the urge to make a 'hide the salami' joke right now.
Losanoff JE, Kjossev KT. Gastrointestinal 'crosses'. A new shade from an old palette. Arch Surg. 1996 Feb;131(2):166-9. Okay, so within a single week in January of 1993, five male prisoners from the same Bulgarian prison were hospitalized with perforations of their gastrointestinal tracts. The perforations were the result of the prisoners' intentional ingestion of 'crosses' made out of paper clips and rubber bands. Two halves of a paper clip were tied crosswise with a rubber band, pulled together to collapse the cross, wrapped in a piece of paper, and ingested. The paper came loose along the…
Gü;nd&#252z K, Celenk P, Kayipmaz S. An unusual foreign body (suturing needle) in the tonsillar region. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2004 Nov 15;5(4):148-54. There's an awful lot of these. --- Kominami M, Fujikawa A, Tamura T, Naoi Y, Horikawa O. Retained surgical sponge in the thigh: report of the third known case in the limb. Radiat Med. 2003 Sep-Oct;21(5):220-2. Surgical sponges have been left inside people with such frequency that they invented a word to describe it: gossypiboma. Want more? Another case report. --- Reddy PK, Ramamoorthy R, Venkatsubramanian R, Muralidharan M.…