"No Till" is a confusing term. For most people who know nothing about agriculture, the word "till" isn't particularly revealing - it sounds like there's no cash register. Given that level of knowledge, when you are reassured that no tillage means less erosion, you aren't going to crticize. Those with home gardens often know something about a different kind of "no till" than "no till agriculture" - they may envision gardens with permanent mulch in formal beds, and assume that field-scale no-till looks something like that.
I'm pleased that Gene Logsdon then points out what I've also…
I don't actually know what underlies the Middle Devonian brachiopods of my childhood, but I might get to find out soon. Iowa City is experiencing its second "500 year" flood in 15 years, and Coralville Lake has overtopped its dam... again. And the river hasn't crested yet. Fortunately, my family is on high ground, and playing host to some friends who've been evacuated from the flood zone.
Buildings in Iowa City must have floors that are at least 1 foot (or 1.4 of your Earth football diameters) above a designated "100 year" flood elevation. These elevations are determined by FEMA; climate…