The term “War on Science” comes from multiple sources, one being Chris Mooney’s book “The Republican War on Science” (see below) and another, the made up “War on Christmas,” a term attributed to Bill O’Really. Throw in a little “Culture War” rhetoric and I think we have a good basis for the origin of the term. The term “War on X” has been in used for decades if not longer, when some large perhaps organized group of people or institutions takes up the task of shutting down some thing or another. It does not mean an actual war with generals and troops and bullets, but the metaphor “war” is…
This just in:
Dear Greg,
We are excited about our new public service campaign and it should be fully implemented within a month. Here's the scoop:
This Thursday, May 28th, we will be at a local high school to
tape 3 presentations that will cover the following topics:
- Fossil Evidence
- The Truth about Genetics and Evolution
- How Does Evolution Supposedly Work?
Because most students respond better to interactive forms of learning, we have decided to offer free downloads of these videos as well as the supporting documentation for each of them.
Depending on future funding, we will be…