climate crock

Another good video from Peter Sinclair on his YaleClimateForum YouTube channel: Maureen Raymo is an expert in paleo-climates.  This is probably the most informative climate science specialty when it comes to anticipating the final outcome of our global experiment in climate disruption.  The rapidity of the current change is outside the realm of anything previously observed which makes it very difficult to model accurately, but the end state is not. Predicting how we get to this end state and what humanity will experience along the way is a far greater challenge, as is predicting how our…
Climate Crocks has a new video out about Sandy and the unusual weather patterns that allowed its formation.     Good stuff! All the pundit chatter and the Bloomberg news coming out on the side of reality does give one hope that from the ashes of Battery Point climate change mitigation policy might rise.  I do however recall the same attention and promise after the Hurricane Katrina debacle, and well, we all know how far that got us. Hope springs eternal, but also "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..." Who thinks Sandy and its warning will stick?  
Peter Sinclair has posted the second of a two part series documenting a trip he took with Mauri Pelto into the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest's Cascade range of mountains.  Below are both part one and two of that series.    
I have not watched these yet myself, but will do as soon as I download and convert them for my iPhone, but I have no doubt they are up to Peter Sinclair's usual high standards. Embedded below are part's 1 and 2 of Weird Winter - Mad March. Enjoy, discuss!
Well, it is that time of year again, the sea ice in the Arctic has reached its minimum extent. (please note that the image above shows the August data, September's graphic is not yet available though it will look very similar) So how's that "recovery" coming along? According to NSIDC, this year's September minimum is the second lowest in the satellite record. Peter, over at Climate Crock of the Week, presents his latest video on that topic, a very sober and sobering placement of this year in its long term context: Once again, the choice is between the "climate skeptics" and your lying…
Non-lord Christopher Monkton is out and about again after laying low for a while, calling people nazis, using his Pink Portcullis coat of arms, etc. Greenman has a short video on that, though I must say I found more interesting the clips and content on James Delingpole. I must say he does not come out looking too good in that! Seriously though, it is a perfect analogy no wonder he faltered and stuttered like he just woke up from one of those dreams where you are naked in a crowd only to find it was no dream. I actually felt embarrased for him! Think he mistook this cartoon as a "How To"…
From greenman3610, Climate Crock of the Week gives a thorough review and debunking of "hide the decline" including the latest on Muller and the BEST project. Also, if you are interested in the unfolding nuclear calamity in Japan, ClimateCrocks blog has been providing great coverage.
More entertaining than informative, greenman's latest Crock of the Week surveys the history of climate change in the movies! Gotta dust off those old Mad Max VHS tapes again...
Another good video from greenman: It is very discouragin to hear a 60 year old science program explaning exactly the same basics of climate change that Inhofe and half the new republican congress claim today is an IPCC hoax.
Okay, so this one is a bit of a tear-jerker and I usually like to avoid mixing sentimentality with environmentalism, but it is very informative and interesting if sad. It is greenman3610's Climate Crock of the Week from about three weeks ago and as usual well worth watching. I tend to be skeptical about anthropomorphizing our fellow earthlings, but I'll be damned if that wasn't a very affectionate mama walrus hugging her baby! If walruses weren't so ugly they just might top polar bears in terms of public concern...
Art Robinson, of Oregon Petition fame is running for Congress. Peter Sinclair has Robinson's interview by Rachel Maddow. Robinson comes across as more than a little nutty -- rather than elaborate on his views on hormesis (radioctive waste is good for you!) he just insisted that quotes from his own writing were lies in some unspecified way. Also of interest is Sinclair's latest Crock showing a simple experiment to demonstrate the effects of CO2 on the atmosphere.
Greenman's latest: Entertaiing and informative, as usual! I did not know there was a "theological" debate about CO2 levels in the atmosphere, interesting.
Check out Peter's latest Climate Crock: Oh those hysterical enviro-wacko-loons...
Some old news here and some new, all of it about my favorite climate contrarian, Lord Cristopher Monkton. He is my favorite because he is a clown and the more he is put forth as denialism's "Septical Champion" the better. First the old news. You may recall Tim Lambert debated Cristopher Monckton in Sydney a couple of months ago. Well that debate is up on YouTube in full. It is a 15 part playlist, but Tim tells us his presentation is part 3 and 4. I watched most of it and it is worth the time. I think it is kind of amusing, and revealing, that Monkton claims some rather intimate knowledge…
Unfortunately for an unscientifically inclined mind, one bitter cold winter is worth many mountains of research in the quest for the truth about climate change. And unfortunately for our choking biosphere, political action will likely remain an impossibility until we are well and truly past the alledged cessation of warming. I received an apparently sincere comment that expressed what must be a common feeling in the general public: You guys are so far scientifically over my head that it is impossible for me to participate in this conversation. But consider that most people are like me,…
The Oregon petition seems to be getting a small revival in the press and blogosphere lately, including in the comments here. I don't have a guide article for that, though I suppose I should. So much has been written about it, I don't know if I have anything original to say. Some example critiques are from Scientific American: Scientific American took a random sample of 30 of the 1,400 signatories claiming to hold a Ph.D. in a climate-related science. Of the 26 we were able to identify in various databases, 11 said they still agreed with the petition --- one was an active climate researcher…
greenman has done a fine job of debunking the various exagerations, misrepresentations and lies circulating about the recent Swiftwacking of CRU (aka Climategate). I recommend having a look, below:
Peter is remixing his videos with improved sound quality. Here is "All wet on Sea Level": Watch, learn, discuss!
From the "Climate Crock of the Week" videos: For your viewing and discussing pleasures...
From greenman3610's excellent "Climate Crock of the Week" video series: Offered for your viewing and discussing pleasure...