... and why we never got the Equal Rights Amendment.
Donald Trump is a very good Republican candidate. In terms of both style and substance, Trump does a good job of representing that part of the Republican Party that has been in charge of that party for several years, the Tea Party. The Republican Party has built itself up to become, effectively, the majority party in the US by pandering to this part of the base, along with gerrymandering and other forms of voter suppression. So, really, there is no reason that Republicans running for office around the country should be upset with the…
A couple of days ago I assimilated data from a bunch of on line polls where people could informally and unscientifically express their opinion about who won the GOP debate (the big boy debate only, with ten candidates). I suggested a series of hypotheses to isolate the idea that this sort of on line unscientific effort might reflect reality, with the idea of testing the results of those polls with upcoming formal polls.
Now we have a couple of formal polls to test against. I took the raw percentages for the ten GOP big boy debate candidates, recalculated the percentages, and came up with…
Krugman is is on fire today, as he has been for a while, this time talking about the tax cuts.
But, even he makes an essential error that all the democrats seem to be making.
It is not about Bush's tax cuts, or keeping Bush's tax cuts or Obama raising taxes.
Bush, for whatever reasons, proposed and got passed tax cuts that expire this year.
That is it.
They will be no more. Any changes in the tax code beyond that are not Bush's.
So, at the end of this year, there will BUSH'S TAX INCREASES.
That is the status quo, as set in law and signed by President Bush.
If your tax increases next year, it…
We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time. -T.S. Eliot
Yesterday, President Obama delivered his first State of the Union Address, and talked about a number of things that ranged from inspiring to disappointing. But one thing that didn't make it into the address was the rumor that NASA's Constellation program (including the Ares Rocket designed to launch crews) will lose their government funding.
(Please note: what follows is my opinion, and I take responsibility for it.) If this actually…
Make no little plans; they have no power to stir men's blood.
---Daniel Burnham
The last eight years have seen subtle and not-so subtle predations on the practice of medicine. Will the new administration be able to promote the kind of change we need? Let's review some of the challenges facing the Obama administration.
Ethical apocalypse
Bush's evisceration of the Constitution of the United States has affected health care professionals. For example, the military has likely always used psychologists to assist with interrogations, but the last eight years has seen a huge increase in the…
On Tuesday, President Bush garnered favor with marine conservationists in a last-minute move to protect over 195,000 square miles of the Pacific Ocean—more than any president in history. The new marine reserve, which includes parts of the Mariana Trench in addition to several coral reefs and atolls, will be protected from mining, fishing, oil exploration and other destructive activities. ScienceBlogger James Hrynyshyn celebrated Bush's decision, but reminded, "By failing to accept the reality of climate change...he will more likely be remembered as the president who missed the boat."
How's this for jaw dropping, mind-boggling, unintentional irony?
Question to the Bush administration at this year's UN climate change talks:
If you look back over the course of the last few years, is there anything you would have done differently or is there anything you wished had happened but didn't happen?
I wish first that Russia had made its mind up sooner as to whether it was going to join Kyoto or not.
Read the particulars here. (No it won't make anymore sense)
Like every leader on their way out the door, Bush hopes to make a few more last-minute changes before we get our much-needed new president. One of his maleficent plans is to gut the Endangered Species Act despite active, loud protesting from the environmental community.
As if his general lack of care (adding only 10 species a year to the act - even daddy Bush added close to 60 a year), trimmings and changes in 2004 weren't enough, Bush has put the Endangered Species in his sights yet again. His plans - to remove the clause that requires projects to receive scientific review of environmental…
This worthless jackass claims to be my president.
George Bush; a hypocrite? Well, I am shocked, simply shocked, I tell you.
Well, okay, all sarcasm aside, I am very surprised to hear that the politically conservative George Bush, who demands mindless and unquestioning loyalty from his minions, has shown his true colors by betraying all those people who supported him throughout his entire political career: political conservatives. Today, Bush denied California state's bid to regulate greenhouse gas emissions produced by all new automobiles that are sold there -- a move that flies in the…