Blog Business

We've settled on some final plans for the Midwest middle of nowhere cornfield Scienceblogs millionth comment party!. Here's the details: Time and Place Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Location: Jupiter's Pizza Street: 39 Main St City/Town:Champaign, IL You can also check out the event (and RSVP) on We look forward to seeing you there! We'll even be buying a round or two!
There was a request for a Millionth Comment party here in Champaign-Urbana Illinois... I would totally be up for getting together with a bunch of like minded folk and throwing a few down.... say at the Blind Pig? Anyone else up for meeting up for some beers? (Or Soda... or I guess even water) Any date preferences?
ScienceBlogs wants your help... and is willing to pay. Well sorta... they're giving away some ipod type goodies to some people who complete a short survey. Here's the schtick: Dear Reader, We launched Seed and ScienceBlogs because we believe that science can change the world and science literacy is how we get there. In the pages of our magazine we've tried to capture the ideas and issues fueling this cultural shift. Online we've aimed to foster a lively and spirited conversation about where it's all heading. Now, we invite you to share with us directly your perspective on the state of…
I thought our wonderful readers would like to know exactly who Shelley is marrying... He's a hot one eh?!
Shelley and I are hosting the new issue of Encephalon coming out this Monday morning (March 31st). We have some great contributions so far but we would love to get some more! So shoot an email to with your contributions and we'll be forever grateful as well as most likely making you immensely famous and rich. Enjoy your weekend!
ScienceBlogs is starting a new feature: The ScienceBlogs Super Reader Club. Of Two Minds gets to choose two lucky readers to participate. So what is this anyway? From Ginny: Every week, each Super Reader will tag three favorite posts from the entire ScienceBlogs network. These tagged posts will go into a constantly updated RSS feed that gets displayed on the homepage. (All of this will be run using a shared account, where you install bookmarking buttons in your browser that make tagging posts quite simple. Should you accept, we'll send you detailed instructions…
We're having commenting problems here at ScienceBlogs... sorry for the pain... we'll be back soon. Allllll better.
Welcome to the birth of a new blog, with Steve and I as the happy and glowing parents! Despite the labor pains and the fears that it wouldn't be perfectly normal, we've decided to love it anyway and do our best to raise it into a healthy, dysfucntional adult. The idea for "Of Two Minds" began when Steve and I went out drinking in Lexington, Kentucky right after the holidays last year. I was bemoaning the amount of time I spent blogging, and Steve had just lost Sandra as a coblogger, so the merger seemed to make sense. Despite being a bit tipsy that night, the idea of a 'superblog' withstood…
We'll be going live tomorrow, March 3rd so come back for our exciting launch then. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or send an email to me at or Also... if you'd like an email address (or any other google application) we'll be offering those to our readers. Just shoot me an email and I'll get you setup. We look forward to seeing you more very soon! Technorati Profile
We'll be going live tomorrow, March 3rd so come back for our exciting launch then. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or send an email to me at or Also... if you'd like an email address (or any other google application) we'll be offering those to our readers. Just shoot me an email and I'll get you setup. We look forward to seeing you more very soon! Technorati Profile