baby panda

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Female pandas ovulate for only 3 days out of every year, making them one of the least evolutionarily "fit" animals we are aware of. If you were in God's factory trying to figure out where to invest, betting on the panda would be like deciding to build a Ferrari and not include a gas fill. Then it occured to us, maybe they were betting on using man to survive. Their perfect combination of seizure-inducing cuddliness and total biological helplessness, has encouraged us to invest more in them than Olympic athletes. Between unparalleled pre-natal care, panda porn, artificial insemination and all…
Have a diet rich in fiber? Eating bamboo all day, everyday, means pandas most certainly do. Now, researchers at a giant panda reserve in southern China are looking for paper mills to process their panda's fiber rich poo! The center's 40 bamboo-fed pandas produce about 2 tons of "processed material" a day, which could make a fine quality paper. Liao Jun, a researcher at the center, is not worried about squeamish consumers. "People won't find it gross at all," Liao said. "They probably won't even be able to tell it's from panda poop."Eats, poops and leaves.Motivational panda-poop office poster…