
So, I'm a little late with this thanks to a little hiatus, but I thought I would post the latest GVP Weekly Volcanic Activity Report. Thanks again to the Smithsonian, USGS and especially Sally Kuhn Sennert! Some highlights include: There were more ash explosions spotted at Ebeko in Kamchatka, producing ~1.8 km (5,900 foot) ash columns. This activity prompted KVERT to raise the Alert Status to Yellow. This goes along with news from a pile of other Kamchatka/Kuril Island volcanoes: Gorely, Tiatia, Karymsky, Kliuchevskoi and Shiveluch. More activity at Arenal in Costa Rica - its almost always…
For all of you going into withdrawal now that Eyjafjallajökull seems to have quieted down, there are two eruptions of note that aren't in the North Atlantic: Undated image of the Barujari cone at Mt. Rinjani in Indonesia. Arenal in Costa Rica - which is almost always sputtering away - had a more significant explosive and effusive event today. The volcano produced enough ash, bombs and gas emissions - along with 8 lava flows (or avalanches, depending on the source) - to prompt the evacuation of the National Park around the volcano. Arenal has had numerous strombolian eruptions over the last…
Some news for a busy Tuesday: The crater at Poas volcano in Costa Rica, taken February 25, 2010. Image courtesy of OVSICORI by Federico Chavarria. After the MSNBC debacle, it is nice to see some good articles on why the Chilean earthquake was overall less disastrous than the Haitian earthquake, why the tsunami wasn't as large as predicted and why these earthquakes are not abnormal. There are a lot of factors involved - the location, depth, preparedness, wealth - so the comparison can be very telling in terms of both geologic and societal issues. The other scientific fallout from the Chilean…
This week's USGS/Smithsonian GVP Volcano Update! Highlights include: A volcano I had never heard of in the Kuril islands is showing signs of life: Kharimkotan. Satellite images show a thermal anomaly at the summit of the volcano - its last known eruption was in 1933. Ash, sulfur dioxide and steam continue to erupt from Nyamuragira in the Congo, although lava flows have abated. Crater C at Arenal had sporadic strombolian activity - which is par for the course for the Costa Rican volcano. I must have missed this, but since December 14, the ash erupted at Gaua in Vanuatu has become denser and…
The latest news from the USGS/Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program Weekly Volcano Report ... Highlights (not including Mayon) include: Strombolian eruptions and small pyroclastic falls at Arenal in Costa Rica. 3 km / 10 000 foot ash plume from Bagana on Bougainville Island in Papua New Guinea. Rumbling noises, ~4.5 km / 14 000 foot ash plumes and incandescence were all reported coming from Fuego in Guatemala. Steam-and-ash from Popocatepetl near Mexico City reached 7.4 km / 24 300 feet. Satellite images of Shiveluch revealed a large thermal anomaly - the new lava dome - along with multiple…
So, the field still stands unblemished, having identified all 8 MVPs, usually within less than 7 tries. Nice job! Current MVP Standings: volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 gijs - 1 Anne - 1 Cam - 1 gg - 1 The Bobs - 1 MVP #7 was Arenal in Costa Rica. It was initially going to be Rincon de la Vieja, but somehow I mixed up the pictures. I think a lot of you know a lot more about Arenal than I do, but it is one of the most active - and easily visited - volcanoes in the Western Hemisphere. Eyjafjöll volcanoHekla from the northwest in Iceland, not your MVP #8. MVP #8 was Eyjafjöll (or…
The Q&A post will be coming over the weekend (there's still time to send me a question!) Icy cold volcanoes (well, geysers) on Enceladus, a moon of Saturn. In the meantime, here are a few quick hits: Mt. Cleveland in the Aleutians had a small eruption. The plume was only ~15,000 feet / ~3 km. Cleveland is one of the more active volcanoes in the Aleutians, so this eruption is not out of the norm. Landslides and rockfalls at Arenal (in spanish) in Costa Rica continue to prompt evacuations of tourists near the volcano. It is interesting to note that officials don't seem worried about hotel…
Arenal in Costa Rica, erupting in July 2007. Image courtesy of Arenal in Costa Rica is one of the most active volcanoes in Central America. It is almost one of the most picturesque (see above) and, dare I say, touristy, volcanoes in the world. However, even volcanoes that seem "benign" like Arenal require special precautions. Yesterday Arenal has two small eruptions that were accompanied by unusual tremors, (in spanish) according to Javier Pacheco of the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI). The tremor started at 7 AM and continued until 4:30 PM,…
Here's the latest news from the USGS and SI Global Volcanism Program. It might not record every little volcanic noise in the world each week, but nothing like getting all the major volcanic events summarized on a weekly basis. Highlights this week (not including Nyiragongo, Redoubt and Galeras): The eruption at Rinjani in Indonesia continues, with elevated seismicity and 300-600 meter plumes. Sporadic strombolian eruptions from the Crater C at Arenal, Costa Rica (since late April) High seismicity, 100 meter domes and continued dome collapses continue at the two domes growing at Chaiten,…
Here's the latest Global Volcanism Program activity report for worldwide volcanism. Some of the highlights (beyond Fernandina and Llaima) include: Vulcanian-style eruptions at Sakurajima, Japan. And guess what? There is a Sukarajima webcam! {Hat tip to Eruptions reader Jodie Morris for this link}. Strombolian-style explosions and avalanches associated with lava flows at Arenal, Costa Rica. A 10,000 foot / 3,000 meter ash plume from Dukono in Indonesia. Satellite imagery exposed a thermal anomaly in the dome at Shiveluch on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Today, I saw a report that a dome on Arenal in Costa Rica had collapsed last Friday (report in Spanish, but good picture of the event), producing a block & ash flow that left a 800-meter scar on the volcano's flank. No one was injured during the avalanche, but tourists were evacuated as a precaution. There have been minor rock fall related to the andesite lava that has been erupting over the last year, but apparently this is the first major avalanche. This shows the fine line between an effusive (lava flow dominated) eruption and explosive (pyroclastic dominated) eruption. Although this…