Happy birthday to the GWPF "inquiry"

Moyhu wins the prize for actually bothering to track the GWPF and its waste-of-time "inquiry". That's about all there is to say, really. I could take the piss out of them a bit more I suppose but it hardly seems worth the effort. Terence Kealey (chairman) ends up looking like an idiot, which in GW terms he probably is; rapidly heading Emeritus I'd guess.

I must remember to add it to WATN in 2016; speaking of which, has anyone seen any life out of AW's poor stillborn paper?

NS must be an elephant: he can also remember the OAS.


* Moyhu: apparently RP Sr may be writing the report.
* Twitter maps via Sou.
* Cooling America - Tamino.

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WMC: "Since all of this was a PR stunt to get their words into the Torygraph, I wonder if the right answer is to write to the Graun and Indy to see if they feel like writing a “Torygraph falls for GWPF fakery” type article? -W"

Now after the anniversary would be a good time. Could make a nice story together with the worries of the House of Lords about the editorial dependence of The Times on the GW Policy Foundation.

By Victor Venema … (not verified) on 30 Apr 2016 #permalink

Considering that AW must have massively cherry-picked his 400 stations, he may well be in peer-review purgatory. And considering that he won't even tell us which stations he's using until after publication, we may never know how big a steaming heap this thing really is. Or was.

By Keith Pickering (not verified) on 30 Apr 2016 #permalink