It has rained quite a bit recently.
I did go down from the bridge and give them a hand in, you realise. In other news...
* Adventures in Vim!
* Pointless resentment - one for all the people who would rather criticise than help
* Swan reveals bone-breaking technique - about Mr Asbo if you hadn't realised. He even has a facebook page.
* Hitler was a vegetarian etc. etc., you know how it goes.
* TCBC - Total Eclipse of the Heart
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Since this is the comic edition...
Well, WMC may be keen on that version of Total Eclipse of The Heart, given the rowing thing.*
[But of course -W]
But for more amusement, one can watch the pair:
original Bonnie Tyler video,
but even more fun is
the literal version, with new subtitles and lyrics. (If that disappears, hunt for TEotH title + "literal")
* Nothing against rowers: my wife rowed for Cambridge a few years, we attend the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race Dinner in San Francisco most years, and a good friend's ocean rowing makes this river rowing look tame, i.e., see Roz Savage. At least, after spending days helping Roz get the boat ready, my wife is around again.