I'm famous

You knew that, obviously, or you wouldn't be here. I have an entry on Conservapedia, you don't get much more famous than that. Compare that with so-called climate "scientists" like James Annan - even his tippling great-uncle only gets a few lines (and no invective, how dull). I see that a while ago I mocked Conservapedia for being dumb but said that, whilst nearly fact free, it was "not really even very funny". I'm pleased to see that they've corrected that: now Global warming is the liberal hoax[2][3] that... and so on. Conservapedia is so risible that no-one (not even the WUWT folks) would dream of using it for a reference. In the comparatively unimportant world of science I'm a has-been, of course, and (as I thought when I left but kept blogging) I find it harder to keep up with the real science. Fortunately lots of other people do and I can read them.

If you're wondering where this is going: well, my world-spanning fame has taken a minor boost from WUWT having a go at me, though like so many his ability to spell my name is limited.

A few people there seemed to have a desire to talk, though I rather suspect they won't step up to the plate. So! This post is for them to comment and ask questions, if they want to. To my regulars: please be kind to any that do come over; I will heavily moderate any comments that are too discouraging, though of course you're welcome to post fact-filled rebuttals of anything they might say. To any WUWT folk who have come over: Welcome! Please feel free to ask your (preferably science based) questions. Though if you're puzzled by how wiki works you can ask that too. Be aware that I have a comment policy which I've just recently updated.


* Who am I?. Lawrence Solomon's "The opinionator" story containing the glorious quote "Next to Al Gore, William Connolley may be the world's most influential person in the global warming debate". The link seems to have expired now, but the wayback machine still has it.

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I wonder why it took so long for a WUWT post attacking you to appear, and had they never heard of the Policy Lass before?

(I'm not sure if you want any comments here about the WUWT attack, or just comments from, and replies to, any WUWT regulars who might venture here.)

[WUWT is its own little world and is very proud of being very popular; they'd prefer not to direct people out of it, even by attacking people. Only comment on the WUWT attack if you have something original or amusing to say :-) -W]

By TrueSceptic (not verified) on 22 Apr 2012 #permalink

Congratulations for this significant achievement, William !!!

Oh. I thought Conservapedia was about jam. Oh well.

[Welcome James -W]

From the above tinfoilapedia link:

Lawrence Solomon said that "Next to Al Gore, William Connolley may be the world's most influential person in the global warming debate".

[Thanks, I'd forgotten about that one. OK, I'm going to start a (possibly rather short) collection. If anyone has any more... -W]

By caerbannog (not verified) on 22 Apr 2012 #permalink

Eli thought the assumptions were questionable and left this question over there

Why not? Abusing a blog of wind is amusing.

Let us observe if they have the guts to absorb the punishment.

Relativity's a liberal hoax, too. Get a t-shirt made. Wear it on your next run.

Looks like no Wattards are coming here. They've gone to the Policy Lass's site to attack her instead, with amusing results.

[I have to admit that "gallopingcamel", who started addressing her as "stoat", was funny. But that all the WUWT folks have chosen her rather that me is either an insult to my fame or - perhaps - a fear of it -W]

By TrueSceptic (not verified) on 22 Apr 2012 #permalink

Is conservapedia vulnerable to poe-try?

By carrot eater (not verified) on 22 Apr 2012 #permalink

Policylass had just backed slowly away from the keyboard.
appears she's quite reasonably fed up with the blogging experience for a while.

Rude and self-referential attempts to drag her back from the real world, past sensible blogging, and into the bloggarena?

Typical of exactly why to take a break. Pfui on them.

Is conservapedia vulnerable to poe-try?

For about six months, the entry on reality there stated that "Reality has a well-known liberal bias".

They've tightened up control, since then. Was fun while it lasted, though!

When I read your rant against WUWT in the last post I immediately knew you would be banned if Watts saw it.

[To be fair, I'm not banned yet. I'm on "speshul moderation", whatever that might be; and they definitely don't like me. But that's OK too, since I don't like them :-) -W]

Delingpole bigged you up, you corrupter of Wikipedia, you.

[This? - that's just lazy recycling of "Beany" Solomon -W]

Is there a Conservapedia entry for Conservapedia?

To claim real ConservaFame , Bill must get himself flamed by Frum.

[I'm working on it. Trouble is, I haven't done anything really evil recently -W]

Ohy vey!

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 22 Apr 2012 #permalink

Nope, this.... which I guess is even more recycling of "Beany" Solomon (or is that "interpretation of Solomon's interpretation of the interpretations?).

Kloor is the one who uses the double super secret moderation. Watts just shoves stuff down the memory hole.

[No; Watts definitely has two levels too -W]

Eli is going to make a list of the clowns over there, and if they ever venture into his lair, he is going to send a ransom note to Watts, offering to publish if Watts let's Eli's words of wisdom thru.

[Ransom! I like it... -W]

The Wattards, not to be confused with the Watteaus, whose skyrocketing prices fascinated Forbes , are presently storming the eponymous magazine waving torches and pitchforks in the general direction of Steve Zwick , whose name sufficiently resembles Peter Glieck's to elicit these examples of the Wattish tongue in full cry :

Forbes commentor âKaren Brackenâ
ca 23 -4-12:
"Mr. Zwick you believe your lies and we will believe ours.

[That would be a great quote to have a link to. But the Forbes comment system is so annoying that I can't find it -W]

The sun controls the climate not man. Our earth was more polluted back when there were very few humans roaming the earth that it is today. And that is fact. When the day comes that everyone of your believers gives up their cars, their mansions, shuts off all electricity and ceases all the dirty destructive habits you claim humans impart on the earth is the day many of us might take you seriously. ... We have every right not to believe the garbage you brainwashed koolaid drinkers are spreading around. Because we donât believe the way you do we are wrong. Well remember at one time people believed the earth was flat."

Alpha2Actual 1 day ago
"We live in a republic that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with thermometers. Whoâs gonna do it? You? You, Dr Hansen? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for those Polar Bears and you curse the temperature takers. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. My existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves useless expenditure of national treasure and retards the genocidal effects of the policies you want to implement.
You donât want the truth. Deep down, in places you donât talk about when your are sleeping alone late at night after those Georgetown cocktail parties after chowing down on limp quiche and swilling a third rate California Chardonnay devoid of pretension, you want me on that wall you need me on that wall..."

akm74 1 day ago
"Oh by the way Zwick, if you step on my lawn with a torch to burn my house⦠I will shoot you.
So yeah, bring it you fascist swine. Iâve always wanted to kill worthless white meat like you.
Bring it."

17 the quote is really real, but the Zwick article link just lands you in the midst of the 30+ page fray, .

Fortunately, the Karen Bracken quote is her first in Forbes and heads her page at:


Forbes commentor âKaren Brackenâ
ca 23 -4-12:
"Mr. Zwick you believe your lies and we will believe ours. The sun controls the climate not man. Our earth was more polluted back when there were very few humans roaming the earth that it is today. And that is fact. When the day comes that everyone of your believers gives up their cars, their mansions, shuts off all electricity and ceases all the dirty destructive habits you claim humans impart on the earth is the day many of us might take you seriously. Really. How can we believe a word Al Gore and any of you say when your so called â carbon footprintâ is bigger than most 100 hundred people rolled together. Al Gore is the biggest liar on the face of this earth. And he is getting very rich off the lie. As are many other of the believers. Yes most of us will be dead and gone in 10-20 years but I truly hope you and your children are still around to eat your words. You demand we live like monks while you and your faithful live like Kings. It is do as I say not as I do with you guys.Oh yes there will be a food shortage alright but it will be created by own government in order to control us. It will be caused by the fact that our sun is going into hibernation and we are moving into the coldest period in over 206 years. This alone will kill our crops all over the nation. And our government knows about it and refuses to acknowledge it because they want our crops to be ruined. They want famine. Remember another part of the plan is to kill off billions of people. There are just too many to control at this point. Buddy you better wake up and start doing your own research instead of listening to people like Al Gore and Bill Gates. But if you chose not to leave us alone. We have every right not to believe the garbage you brainwashed koolaid drinkers are spreading around. Because we donât believe the way you do we are wrong. Well remember at one time people believed the earth was flat."

Did I wander into bedlam by mistake?

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 23 Apr 2012 #permalink

No one ever wandered into Bedlam by mistake- charging visitors sixpence to enjoy the spectacle was the turnkey's prerogative.

I can't imagine ever paying for that stuff. I thought the whole object of the internet was to save me the travel costs of going to street corners all over the world to hear the loonies.

"Is conservapedia vulnerable to poe-try?"

and how! can't remember the details now, but i've heard of at least one user being banned for parody after adding something that *Schlafly himself wrote* to an article. then one of their ops (Bugler) unmasked himself as a parodist a couple of years back, to everyone's great amusement.

if you want easy Conservapedia-related laughs, RationalWiki's coverage is a good place to start.

that said, one of the regular clowns over at the Rabett's place recently cracked open the CP lunacy recently. (well, you gotta get your anti-evolution quotemines from somewhere, right?)

' the ManBearPig âconsensusâ '?

That's one of the 'Interpreter of Interpretations' efforts, I assume?

Classy - and deeply authoritative - all round.

Russell: a penny, not sixpence. A friend of mine was once a patient at Bethlem for a short while, and when I visited we would joke about paying a penny to poke the freaks with a stick.

By Nick Barnes (not verified) on 25 Apr 2012 #permalink