Chesterton RC ran the Head of the Cam race today (we really must improve our website some time). I got to help marshalling a couple of divisions, on First Post Corner and Grassy Corner, which was a good post as nothing tricky happens at those points. So I took an absurd number of photos (only div 1 up when I wrote this) in the sunshine, which was very pleasant.
The racing is head racing - i.e. just rowing the course, starting 30 seconds apart, no bumping or anything exciting like that. The first few boats in each division tended to be M1's for the Mays at around 9 minutes, trailing off into various rather ropey town and university VIII's (slowest at 13 mins), followed by IV's, doubles and a cloud of sculls (best at 11:20). So afterwards, inspired by that and by our own Dave "James Bond" Richardson (13:38), and since the weather was still lovely, I thought I'd scull the course - not a thing I've done before. To put up my excuses first, I couldn't take the racing lines and had to sit behind Selwyn for ~20 secs while they pondered going off. And my time was... 15:50, which I'm quite happy with for a first go. That would make me not quite last - I would have beaten a J15 for the Leys (incidentally, nice to see that Perse A beat Leys A by 5 seconds). Mapmyrun says it is 2.7 km and I did it at 10.1km/hr. Hmm.
Jesus won. Cue std.joke.
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