New moderated env sci forum

And the forum is: Go have a look. Why? From the welcome message:

We are creating a moderated newsgroup/mailing list for the discussion of environmental science, economics, policy and politics, especially as related to global change issues such as climate change, biodiversity,
and sustainability.

The signal to noise ratio on sci.environment and similar unmoderated discussion lists has dropped to the point where it can no longer sustain interesting or informative exchanges of information and ideas.

The success of the lightly moderated discussions on the blog has revealed that the hunger for serious and informed discussion remains. However, blogs do not fully replicate the broad-ranging
conversational style that usenet once supported even in controversy-prone areas of interest.

And so on. mt gets the credit for actually getting this up and running. Over the past few months I've pretty well abandoned sci.env. Too much junk, too many trolls, too many otherwise sensible people responding to trolls.

Hopefully the new forum will work. JA always encourages people to comment on his blog at sci.env rather than in the post comments, and I agree with that in part, though of course *now* I encourage you to use the new forum.


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