Please hold

For those of you who check regularly for updates, my apologies. I have been far too angry with absolutely everything about my shitty, shitty job to write anything but screed for the past couple of weeks. And no one comes here to read screed.

Please hold while I attempt to develop a new coping mechanism.

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My father's father died because of a misdiagnosis followed by a mistreatment.

That made my father avoid doctors.

My father died because that pain in his hip growing for 2 years turned out to be, by the time he was diagnosed, inoperable cancer.

Cancer is also what killed my mother, and her mother.

And my father's sister, and her husband. My wife is a cancer survivor.

Cancer will kill me too, unless there are more good doctors, and biomedical researcher.

So, selfishly speaking, please don't quit.

Take all the time you need. But there's nothing wrong with posting a good old fashioned rant every now and then, either.

Hey friend,
You know my can spew at me. LMF

By Anonymous (not verified) on 28 Aug 2007 #permalink

Yeah, I am one of those folks who keeps checking to see if you've anything new up . . . I like your ranting posts, and your thought-provokers, and your random bits, and even when you shilled. But I can wait too!

By ctenotrish, FCD (not verified) on 28 Aug 2007 #permalink

I'll read some screed, whenever you're ready.

You won't be a resident forever. The next job will be better.

Oh, screed is underrated, you know.

Hang in there, dear. I'm sorry the job is so vile right now. A pox upon all your oppressors.
luv, Zuska

You do what you've got to do to keep sane, but know that I love reading your posts here and look forward to them starting back up (if you're so inclined).

hey, Im sorry you're going through this. you don't deserve it. you don't deserve what the match gave you. you don't deserve what your program gives you. the people here, most of whom have never met you, see something in you that's amazing. so do all your friends. seriously, do what you need to to keep your spirit alive. do not become bitter and jaded past the point of no the point where your friends and family don't recognize you. do what you need to in the rest of your life to subvert the job anger from taking over. if you can't write about work, write about everything else that makes you so fucking amazing. write about how you invented dairy free birthday cakes for your lactard friend that were amazing...or your rosemary iced tea recipe...or your trip to China. Just dont let your job stomp out your soul. Please.

You guys are exceptionally kind. My Scibs--I only wish I'd actually gotten to have an actual conversation with you the other weekend. My friends--you're wonderful. And my as-yet-unmet readers--I don't deserve you!

All of you have maybe asked for more than you really wanted. Screed it is!

Agreed on screed.

And remember, being a resident is just a transitory phase of your career.

By PhysioProf (not verified) on 01 Sep 2007 #permalink

I think people differ greatly on this issue. For example, if it were completely unidentifiable as my own, I would have no problem with a picture of my naked ass being posted on the Internet. Others would be absolutely horrified by the prospect.

And the irony of the mandatory mindfulness lecture is hilarious - the mindfulness lecturer demonstrates his own lack of awareness by not allowing you to do something more helpful like sleep for an extra hour. One day you'll look back and laugh. I promise. :)