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For those of you craving more more more on the origins, hangups, and favored afternoon activities of the Signout, hie thee over here. Although the ScienceBlogs interviewers call me elusive, I insist that I really am slow-moving, easy to spot, and marvelously accessible, as demonstrated by the thirty pages I received while my intern was in clinic this afternoon.

Slow-moving, I say! Unless good pastry is involved, in which case, get out of the way. I am not even kidding.

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This time we sat down with the ever-elusive Dr. Signout, of Signout. What's your name? Ooooh. Sorry, can't tell you that. What do you do when you're not blogging? Why, I provide compassionate, evidence-based patient care at a high rate of speed. If I'm not doing that, I'm probably traveling,…
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that my first name is Trixie. I spent most of my first year of residency introducing myself as "Trixie Signout, the junior resident on the team." I got called "nurse" a lot, then started introducing myself as "Dr. Trixie Signout." I wanted people to feel…
I'm recovering from my first full call day in the medical intensive care unit, the MICU. Call in our MICU is a morning-to-morning shift, which means being awake all night, unless you can justify sleeping. It was a relatively quiet night for us, so we got about 5 hours of sleep-a full night's worth…
I was in the olive department at the local market a few weeks ago, when I heard a voice from in front of the Cerignolas. "Dr. Signout? Is that you?" At one look, I knew who it was--the father of a girl whose forehead I'd sewn up months ago, near the middle of my intern year. I smiled, made chat,…

Was the interview done by another person or is it a writing method?
Thanks, A.L.

I think people differ greatly on this issue. For example, if it were completely unidentifiable as my own, I would have no problem with a picture of my naked ass being posted on the Internet. Others would be absolutely horrified by the prospect.