Holy Mackerel: The Pope Could Save Fish

Holy Mackerel, an article I wrote about how religion could help relieve overfishing, was published today in Science & Spirit.

Despite numerous scientific studies demonstrating overfishing and its negative impacts on marine biodiversity, global demand for seafood continues to grow. Conservationists advocate 'raising awareness' as one solution to the fisheries crisis. But I work with scientists who are among the world's most informed about overfishing and nearly all of them eats seafood without much discretion.

Curbing demand for seafood needs a miracle. Or maybe, in the U.S. where four out of every five people are Christians, the human appetite simply needs some assistance from religious leaders, particularly the Pope. Religion, after all, helped us into this fisheries crisis so it may as well help us out...

Read more here.



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As a new point of reference, Wendy's is now running radio advertisements for their "North Pacific Cod" fish sandwiches for the Lenten season here in Cincinnati. (They're comparing themselves to all the other fast food restaurants that offer fish sandwiches made from random, unknown fish sources.)

Interesting point.

Perhaps the next encyclical will advocate French fries over fish fries.

Seriously. Would it hurt us to go (truly) meatless for one day a week?

I have heard (and seen on TV!) the Wendy's commercials in Wisconsin! Not being religious, I didn't realize it was associated with Lent. I guess the flip side is that altough they are promoting fish, at least they are asking consumers to consider where their fish comes from.