This Is Sick

Fifty-three sea lions were slaughtered in the Galapagos Islands. Thirteen pups, 25 youngsters, nine males and six females were all found with their skulls bashed in on Pinta Island. The New York Times questioned this week whether tourism is compatible with conservation. Are humans?



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Well, I'm back in the Galapagos Islands for a couple weeks. The last time I was here was May 2007 and a lot has happened in the last 10 months (i.e., humans, including myself, continue to stamp their footprints all over this delicate archipelago). First off, Galapagos tourism continues to grow…
Well done and many thanks to everyone who tried identifying the mystery skull published on the blog yesterday. And as several people correctly worked out... .... it belonged to a pinniped, and more specificially to an otariid, and to a sea lion. Well done in particular to Andrés Rinderknecht and…
Ok, I would really like people to weigh in on this one. Jennifer is in the Galapagos, so I figured I might as well write about them. And what better topic to write about than rewilding the Galapagos. Here's the scenario: the Galapagos National Park and the Charles Darwin Foundation has spent the…
Eleven species of giant tortoise are found throughout the Galapagos Islands. The (Lonesome George) Pinta tortoise is one of the smaller species. Image: BBC News. Do you remember "Lonesome George"; the male giant Galapagos tortoise from the island of Pinta? Well, it appears that he is not so…

Ya, I heard about this somewhere else too. I wonder if they have some sort of security force there? Some of the films from there are amazing, the way that "wild" creatures will come right up to humans since they have, ( or had), no reason whatsoever to be afraid of them.
Dave Briggs :~

This is how our human minds has become all over the world, they cant kill enough people, lot alone other life forms, What is this God afule thing in the minds of humans that cause some of us to be like that? most of the animal world loves more than humans do, What a mess we have maid this beautiful world we live in,, and all behind a lot of it is were all going to heaven if we don't screw up, how about that, For Gods sake, what have we become

By dale swanson (not verified) on 02 Dec 2008 #permalink

I think people differ greatly on this issue. For example, if it were completely unidentifiable as my own, I would have no problem with a picture of my naked ass being posted on the Internet. Others would be absolutely horrified by the prospect.