From Randy Olson: Adios Kurt Vonnegut

i-2abe4e9ffbea638c41d468841729558d-vonnegut.jpgHis novels had a big impact on me--who could forget his telling about a character who is at a party for diplomats and meets the embassador from Chile, can't think of a single thing to say to him, and so finally says, "It must be fascinating to be from a country which is so long and thin."

I loved his simultaneous joy for humanity, and...overall long term cynicism. This was reflected in his recommendation that we carve into a wall of the Grand Canyon a message for flying-saucer creatures one day that says, "We probably could have saved ourselves, but we were too damned lazy to try very hard...and too damn cheap."

There's a little bit of commentary for both sides of our seafood debate in that quote. My side of the debate represents the too damned lazy perspective. But the lack of support for mass media also represents the too damned cheap mentality.

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