The Buzz: The BMI Challenge: How To Do it Right


One week ago, physician PalMD of White Coat Underground began to document his day-by-day attempts to reduce his BMI through a combination of diet and exercise. Other ScienceBloggers were quick to jump in: Isis the Scientist, Janet Stemwedel, Bora Zivkovic and BikeMonkey have all offered dietary guidance to PalMD and related their own efforts to stay healthy. Dave Bacon of The Quantum Pontiff's advice is perhaps the most succinct. "Eat like a monk and run a lot," he suggests, with a chart of his own results to back it up. And Isis the Scientist took the opportunity to inform readers about a common mistake made by exercisers: drinking too much water. "It is possible to drink too much water," she warns, "and the consequences of that can be dangerous."


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