President Obama's inaugural address yesterday was met with enthusiasm by ScienceBloggers, who were particularly pleased by his promise to "restore science to its rightful place." But it was the inclusion of "non-believers" among the nation's religions that prompted the most discussion.William Connolley of Stoat called it "a token nod" in the midst of a mostly religious ceremony, while PZ Myers of Pharyngula thought it to be "a small thing, but appreciated."
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It came as an email. Then it was on the Seed Bloggers Forum. Now it's on my frigging Facebook - they really want me to answer this:
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And the response from the believers to the inclusion of nonbelievers?
The silence is deafening.
The godly certainly don't want to do anything that would attract attention to nonbelievers.
Science being kept at a peaceful postion with Religion is a must. As a believer, I would disagree that Science has to do anything with non-belief, in fact Science arises a sense of spirituality and awe. I will be receiving my Ph.D. in Physics this year, and I'm proud to see that our new President is both religious and scientific, it's a great combination:
"I seek to show God's glory throughout my work"
-Issac Newton
And the reason you can say "the problem with modern drugs" is because drug companies have to collect follow up data and the medical literature is self policing. Nothing is perfect, of course, but I wonder if homeopaths ever publish negative studies or publish studies that homeopathic malaria pills are not only ineffective but actually dangerous as they provide a person with a false sense of security