ScienceBlogs Latest Posts Widget

Now you can put a handy ScienceBlogs Latest Posts feed on your own website or blog, thanks to a newly minted web widget! This free, constantly-updating widget will let you display up-to-the-minute scientific musings from the ScienceBlogs clan. It was designed by Tim Murtaugh, Seed's Technology Director, and it looks like this:


Visit Widgetbox to get it for yourself!


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Dear Reader, have you got a blog or other web site? Seed now offers widget that will put a handy ScienceBlogs Latest Posts feed on your site. This is what it looks like: Visit Widgetbox to get it for yourself.
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Okay--after some technical difficulties I won't bore you by recounting, I have an announcement. For the third time in this blog's life, I'm packing it up and moving it to a new home. I would like offer my deepest thanks to Scienceblogs for hosting the Loom for two years. I got to know a great…

If you try to get this widget for WordPress, you get a "coming soon" message. But, just "get the code" anyway, and if you put it on a text box widget in your sidebar, it will work.

Mike, I was under the impression we received audience tickets to The View, the new Lindsay Lohan cd, and good will toward women to go along with the good will toward men.

Gold subscribers to this widget get good will toward any two great ape species of their choice -both genders per species!

I have no basis for these impressions I was given, I merely found them to be implied by the above widget message.

I have had a lot of sugar today.