Welcome, Angry Toxicologist

i-2bf97e403cedec152e1b4578fa0207b8-warning 15 toxic.jpgPlease welcome the newest addition to ScienceBlogs, Angry Toxicologist.

As the Toxicologist says in an introductory post,

I am a Ph.D. scientist in the public health sector with a good amount of toxicology and regulatory knowledge. I'm not going to be dishing about projects I am privy to, but I am much freer to make my opinions known anonymously, than I could do in a completely public forum.

Although other topics will probably be brought up from time to time (Friday is no day for science), this blog will be focused on public health and the science behind it and will be written for the non-scientist without dumbing anything down.

Often angry (but in a funny, witty, enlightening kind of way), Angry Toxicologist is a fast-paced and engrossing read. Scoot over and say hello.


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