The Open Laboratory 2009 Winners Announced

i-91c160adcc1bc831068d9ae09bd45918-Open_Lab_2009_published.pngThe top 50 science blog posts of the year, as judged by a large panel of bloggers, have been announced and will be included in The Open Laboratory 2009. The fourth annual volume of this blog anthology will be published early this year, but you can go ahead and see the winning posts here and here. The editor, Scicurious, the series editor, Bora Zivkovic, and all of the judges deserve a round of applause for their hard work.

And, I'm happy to announce that my post on H1N1 influenza antiviral drug resistance ("Why Swine Flu Is Resistant to Adamantane Drugs" from 01 May 2009) made the cut and will be included in this year's science blogging anthology. A collection of my posts was included in the first volume (2006), and I'm excited to participate again.

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