You Can Put $150,000 Worth of Clothes and Makeup on a Horribly Unqualified VP Candidate, but....

Today we learned that the Republican Party spent an almost unfathomable $150,000 in the month of September alone on clothes and makeup for Sarah "Joe Sixpack" Palin. This is a breathtaking figure, and the irony is certainly delicious. However, I can't escape the feeling that something here is still missing.

Now, if only I could find some sort of aphorism to really get at the heart of this situation....

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In an interview this past Sunday with Fox News' Chris Wallace, John McCain said the following. Wallace had asked him whether Governor Palin had turned out to be a drag on the ticket. (The phrase “cold political calculation” cam from Wallace, but I didn't notice McCain being reticent to use it.)…
Makeovers are popular. They're featured in magazine spreads and reality tv shows everywhere. Not a new trend either... even Hans Christian Andersen was writing about them in 1843. We like watching transformations. That aside, when the Republican National Committee drops over $150,000 on…
tags: Sarah Palin, clothes, politics, satire, humor, Palin's wardrobe, streaming video Sarah Palin has ten excuses for why the American people should not be offended that she spent $150,000 on new clothes and shoes and hair cuts and expensive shit like that when we are losing our jobs, our health…

They should have spent $150,000 on tutoring instead of a new wardrobe. Because nothing says "I'm not part of the Washington Elite" like a $75,000 Neiman Marcus shopping spree. And anyway, she may look cute, but she sounds really stupid.

But then again, with 2 weeks to go, I guess it's easier to make her over than to smarten her up.

What's strange about the $150,000 for clothing (Palin never did the shopping) is that the media will never tell the public about the hundreds of thousands of dollars Obama and his family have spent on clothing and vacations. It is obvious to all that the media has been controlled by the Democrats and the Obama campaign. But I really don't think it will matter who is elected. You have Obama the socialist or McCain the globalist. Either way it will destroy America in the end.

This is big money right.
About the $150,000 for accouterment (Palin never did the shopping) is that the media will never acquaint the accessible about the hundreds of bags of dollars Obama and his ancestors accept spent on accouterment and vacations. It is accessible to all that the media has been controlled by the Democrats and the Obama campaign.