- On Sunday, the LA Times published an uninformed opinion piece by Michael Skube blasting the blog culture. A Blog Around the Clock has a nice wrap-up, and Jay Rosen is currently soliciting examples of good reporting by blogs over at PressThink for a formal response.
- Tara Smith of Aetiology has coauthored a policy paper with Steven Novella of NeuroLogica Blog in PLoS Medicine about HIV denialism on the web. Read it. This is an especially timely topic, as Thabo Mbeki's government in South Africa shows signs of slipping back to its HIV denialism days with the recent firing of outspoken deputy health minister Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge
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There have been some interesting updates in the field of HIV politics and denial recently. First, after having several months of moving forward with a real plan to combat AIDS in South Africa, the deputy minister of health, Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, has been fired. For those who follow this area…
8.20.07 to 8.26.07
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In our paper on HIV denial, Steven and I started the introduction off with a note about South African president Thabo Mbeki:
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On Sunday, LATimes published a viciously uninformed piece about blogging by some Skube guy (who appears to be here in NC though I have never heard of him before). The blogosphere, as expected, responded with laughter and dismay.
Today, LATimes published a response by NYU J-school professor (who…
The LATimes response by Rosen is now up.