Sphere Related Content

You may have noticed a new link at the bottom of each entry that says "Sphere: Related Content" (only on a post's individual page, not on the home page). If you click on it, a window will come up offering links to related blogs and blog posts. On the top left, you'll see relevant blog posts from around the blogosphere. On the top right, you'll see related blog posts from this site. On the bottom left, you'll see some recommended blogs: Migrations, NASA Watch, and The Panda's Thumb. These are three outstanding blogs, and, outside of ScienceBlogs, these should be three of the most relevant blogs to readers of The Scientific Activist.

I hope that you find this new plug-in useful. You can find out more about Sphere and install it on your own site here. It is already being used on several blogs and major news sites, including Time and The New York Times.

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