Who is the Hottest Male Science Blogger?

Yes, that's right, you're looking right at him (on the sidebar, at least).


Go down a bit...

...a little bit more....

There you go.

According to the blog Flags and Lollipops, yours truly is the third hottest science blogger (and the hottest male science blogger) on the internet. Yes, screw Nature and its Top Five Whatever.... This is much better.

Here are the top five:

  1. Shelley of Retrospectacle
  2. Karmen of Chaotic Utopia
  3. Nick of The Scientific Activist
  4. PZ Myers of Pharyngula
  5. Roland of Notes from the Biomass

I notice that four out of the top five are at ScienceBlogs.com. Hmmm... it looks like I'm in good company. And, I think that Shelley is available. Not bad.

Now, of course, it's not clear to me at all exactly how these blogs were ranked or whether there was any scientific basis, blah, blah, blah.... But, come on. Who cares? The post at Flags and Lollipops has lots of fancy numbers, and that's enough for me.

OK, so why am I really going on and on about some rankings that may or may not have been completely made up? Because I beat PZ Myers. Duh! Yes, suck on that, PZ--you and your website with a hundred times more traffic than mine.

On a side note, this is definitely good news for Gene Expression, since it pretty much vindicates Razib's fairly obvious man-crush on me. He'll be ecstatic, I'm sure.

Now I can kick back and wait for the marriage proposals to come rolling in.... Ladies? Shelley?

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PZ Myers is hotter than Tara???? The fix had to be in.

Hey, this is only for some biocrapblogs!
Typical overgeneralization by the stamp collectors...

Man, I'd missed the pasty ass post.
Sad, but true, though, I couldn't tan to save my life, literally.
I have empirical data, I'm in California. Fortunately I've fled the Silicon Valley for cool foggy coast, so my melanin levels will be unchallenged

Hey, got Shelly's phone number? Hot looking AND nerdelicious? How can you go wrong with that combo.

Never mind, my wife might object.

They required a pic at technorati...I don't have one up. So I'll take my exclusion graciously. :)

Nick, methinks that the blogosphere would encourage you to father two children, one with Shelley and one with Karmen. What fantabulously gorgeous baby bloggers would result!

Think about it: even Chrissie Hynde allowed Ray Davies to impregnate her for the sake of the next musical generation.

P.S. Thank God (or your personal God-equivalent) that someone beat PZ at something...Good on ya, Brother Nick!

Woah, wait... I'm willing to agree to the results here, and I'd even consider parts of Utah (as long as no religious conversions were required) ...but there is no way I'm making any more babies.

Don't worry--you're safe. The thought of having children is absolutely terrifying to me. Hell, I have enough trouble just taking care of myself.

Oh, come on -- look at that photo. You're like a little choirboy. Obviously, you had an unfair lock on the Catholic priest vote.

I'll attest to the fact that Nick is not a choirboy.

I notice that #1 on the list attends the glorious University fo Michigan. Nick, perhaps an introduction is in order? ;-)

It's true, it's true.

Anyways, since you're the one from Michigan, it sounds like you're the one who should be giving the introductions. Regardless, though, it looks like Shelley is making her way through Europe. Maybe we can convince her to come rock it in the Ox Box. Who could resist?