Don't adjust that dial. Starting ~ now, ScienceWoman is officially renaming herself SciWo. I've been trying out the name for some time, but have finally decided to make it official and change the way my posts are labeled, my comments signed, and my tweets delivered. Partly, this is an effort to combat Alice's invisibility that was created when our blog name was so close to my pseudonym. (You wouldn't believe the number of emails that we get that either think we are one person or that mix the two of us up.) But another justification for the pseudonym mutation is that I want my nym to reflect the continuing evolution of my life and my blogging. I want to celebrate my life and the shorter peppier 'nym seems a good way to do so.
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Awesome, SciWo. :-)
Any idea what the origin of the SciWo nickname may have been?
The boots stay the same?
Just be sure no-one adds an extra "o". (Ducks and runs)
Righty-o, SciWo! I like it. :)
I always read it as: Sci-Whoa (time to stop for science! or life in science). Gotta keep the Wo so you don't get confused with Sci(curious)
Is this pseudonym evolution or is it intelligent design? More importantly which should be taught in class?
I think it came from Abel Pharmboy, but it could have come from some curmudgeonly d00d with a long pseudonym.
I like it!
The motto here is "being the change we want to see," so perhaps it is intelligent evolution.
great idea to make it official, and I'm glad that you are celebrating your continually evolving life.
is Minnow getting a new name too? :)