Recovering from an anniversary weekend

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgFriday was our 5th wedding anniversary. :-) Can I just say? I think living in the same place has been good for us; way better than being 213 miles apart.

We had a weekend packed with festivities, including:

  • Ordering take-out sushi and watching the last few episodes of season 1 of Mad Men (I know, we're so two years ago
  • Inviting friends and colleagues over for a dessert party on Saturday, at which we served apple pie, yellow cupcakes, and diet coke chocolate cupcakes (as an attempt to provide dessert for diabetic friends), fruit, and a few savoury items to clear the palate (and our fridge; included a great recipe for salsa verde with roasted tomatillos and some of Isis's perada)

    Coke cake!(Donna making the diet coke cake)

  • Making 16 c of vegetable stock for winter, and picking ~ 30 butternut squash from the backyard (how do I store all these? In the basement?)

    Squash harvest

  • Snaking out the sewer which backed up :-( (Gotta call the fixit guy tomorrow)
  • Going to our grad students' beginning of year potluck at a nearby park, where there were an inordinate number of little gnats, also good food

    Rainbow tomato salad

  • Walking Maggie, walking her again, teaching her to fetch, and prepping her for clicker-training

Okay, so there wasn't all that much actual celebrating, but we're actually grateful for that. Our lives seem to have settled into a good groove, and just being together in the same city was enough celebration for us.

That being said, it was nice to have an excuse to have friends over on Saturday. (And make apple pie.)

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