New journal on gender, science and technology

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgLook look, a new journal on gender, science and technology! See the inaugural call for papers below the fold.

The International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology is an independent, peer reviewed, open access journal that welcomes contributions from practitioners, researchers and policy makers concerned with gender issues in and of science and technology. The phrase gender, science and technology intends to encompass a wide definition of these disciplines both in terms of methodological enquiry as well as subjects of research.

Our aim is to help foster and provide a focus forconstructive debate and interchange of ideas between key players and experts in this field. We are interested in sharing knowledge and new understandings in relation to policy development, analysis of challenges and responses in education and employment, critical insights from companies, professional societies and other organisations about the impact of gender equality strategies, as well as perspectives from science and technology studies - and other related issues. We welcome contributions from a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinary perspectives and drawing on a wide range of theoretical frameworks.

We are currently inviting submissions in the form of

· Full empirical research and theoretical papers

· Practitioner case studies and reports

· Opinions and perspectives from policy-makers and industry

For further information, including details of the submission process: [1]

Any enquiries please contact Dr Jenni Carr - IJGST Project Officer (

The first issue will be published online in July 2009 (latest submission for this issue is April 30th

Further issues will appear every 4 months. We look forward to hearing from you!

This journal is being produced bythe Open University UK in partnership with the UK Resource Centre for Women in SET[2]
The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).


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