New Blogrolls!

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgIn all the excitement of our weekend travel, two important milestones went by unmentioned. Saturday marked the two-year anniversary of my Ph.D. defense, and the one year anniversary of my move from blogger to ScienceBlogs. In celebration of the latter, I undertook the ambitious and miserably overdue task of updating our blogroll. The old blogroll was nearly as old as Minnow and it didn't reflect the incredible growth in women in STEM related blogs over the past two years.

We've got so many and such excellent blogs in our community these days, that they deserve more than one blogroll. They deserve a party, a tab, a page.....Meet the new blogrolls.

The blogrolls are mainly limited to blogs authored by women, though there is a section at the bottom for blogs by allies. I thought it would be awesome if we could find other blogs written by women with the same field of interest, so I've tried to generally lump the blogs into disciplines. Some got lumped together, because I didn't want to single anybody out.

Now even though I'm feeling pretty good about updating the blogrolls (and getting a proposal out the door), I have no doubt that I've overlooked some of you. I'm also sure that some of you will disagree with how I've categorized your blogs. So consider this comment thread open for nominating blogs for inclusion and repositioning currently listed blogs. Two caveats though: (1) Please don't propose a complete overhaul of the organization. I simply haven't the energy. (2) Don't expect a lightning response to getting the additions listed. I'll keep adding to the blogrolls as I have time.

Now get reading all of the other great blogs out there.

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Well you've got me (Life and Then Some) up there twice and if I was categorizing myself I'd put myself in Chemistry, Physics, and Math.

But you know, I'm just excited to be there.

A very nice list! Lately, I found myself wishing for such a thing. Thank you.

Would you mind listing me, too? My blog isn't that old, but I post on a regular basis. It does not say so in the blog description, but I would categorize myself in the Botany, Zoology, Ecology, and Environmental Science category. Thank you very much!

Thanks for including me! The categories are a great idea. But of course I thought, "I should be in the BZEES group. no, I should be in geoscience. no I should be in BZEES, no geoscience..." Stupid interdisciplinary identity crisis!

Congratulations on your Dr-versary and ScienceBlogiversary.

Where are all the other engineers?

Alice and I have been wondering the same thing. We're hoping they'll come out of the woodwork and ask to be included in the blogroll.

Math and Computer Science in two different categories? We machine learners and/or statisticians don't even know ourselves where the limit is! But as I barely blog about academia and almost never about science, I won't bother you with it.

And it is so nice to have such a compilation: thanks for putting it together!

Hi there, just letting you know about my blog since it seems I haven't shown up on your radar yet. Sciencegeekgirl, and I'm in STEM-Physics. Thanks, and great blogroll!

Wow, so many blogs! I'm excited to see me up there. Although, technically I'm doing more behavioral research than BZEEs stuff...but it all overlaps a lot, and I can't decide which I category I should be in.

(PS - I demoted my boring blog title to subtitle, can you change it up above, please?)

Wow - that means I've been reading your blog for more than two years - I came in before your defence!

Hee! I'm in there! I feel very giddy right now :) As soon as I get back from my vacation I will take the time to go through the list and test the limits of my RSS reader.

I have to admit I was a little surprised to find myself with the engineers, since most of the time my research is in the behavioural science category - but then I don't blog about that much and human-computer interaction (or user-system interaction) is lots about engineering so now I feel an interdisciplinary identity crisis coming on ;)

Hey, thanks for including my blog!

... except, it should be spelled Twinkle twinkle YSO.

that's okay, you guys rock, so I forgive you. :)

Hmmm, there are a few astronomers not on the list:

Pamela Gay at Star Stryder:

She also does AstronomyCast, a podcast:

Amanda Bauer:

While not strictly science, several of the women at Skepchicks are scientists:

Teen Skepchick has *teenage* women bloggers:

And while not strictly a blog, the official Cassini Saturn Probe imaging site, CICLOPS, has comments written by team leader Carolyn Porco:


Yeah, where are all the engineers?

Rikvah, Fia, sciencegeekgirl, Emily, mommyprof, Hannah, and physicsandcake, you all have been added/updated/moved/etc. FAW, if your identity crisis worries you, we can move you! Just let us know.

Can I also just chime in on SW's post? It is truly awesome that there are so many fab women in STEM blogs out there. We love reading you. Even (speaking for myself) if I tend to just lurk. Thanks for writing.

You might consider my blog ... although I confess I don't write about science as often as I wish I did, but that's because I'm a mere biology student and don't feel like I have all that much to contribute, yet. Still I might qualify, as a (wannabe) scientist, and definitely lacking a Y-chromosome. So, just tossing the suggestion out there.

Oh, and thanks for a great blog. :)

I work in IT, and thought I was on your blogroll before, but maybe my lack of blogging lately got me cut. If I don't write enough about IT/feminism to get on the blogroll, no big deal. It's just always nice to see lots of new and cool blogs written by women.

Keep up the good work!

Wow, SW, thanks for doing this, especially knowing how busy you are. You have some amazing women scientists/bloggers out there. Congratulations on your milestone

Pick me! Pick me!

I've got a blog too: Alice's Astro Info at (

For category I'd have to say Physics ... since that's often how astronomy is categorized, but, like Emily Lakdawalla, you could also go Geo if you really wanted to, since I do some planet stuff too. Wherever you put StarStryder would probably work.


Thanks for linking me (although my co-blogger is male)!

I have to insist that you also link Echiral in your STEM section (chemistry & maths). Her blog deserves more recognition than it gets :)

yay! thanks for adding me to your blogroll- i feel so honored to be among that list! such great STEM women bloggers out there!

I'd like to request the addition of the (small) astronomy blog I run for Columbus State University's Space Science Center. I'm an astronomy professor at CSU, and very interested in encouraging women in STEM fields.

Thanks for the add - and for the great reading list! @Felicia Gilljam - We aspiring scientists have our place, too. And don't worry about not knowing too much yet. I love blogging about little interesting facts or complaining about how many tests/lab practicals my professors feel are appropriate to offer in a 2 day span or silly things from my notes. Besides, your blog looks like it's full of interesting science-y things!

I am outraged that Comrade PhysioProf is not on your motherfucking blogroll!!!!!! This is a MORTAL INSULT and I hereby call for you to be EXPELLED FROM SCIENCEBLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!111!!

Hi, I write about working in and doing science, being a mom and the stuff in between and would be honored to be included. I work in the field of population genetics (plants and insects).

WOW!! Thanks for including me on the list. This is just the push I need to get moving again on my blog after dissertation hell. It's like a little gift from the scienceblogosphere. Thanks again.

Hi Silver Fox, Clarissa, and Mrs. Comet Hunter. Thanks for adding yourselves to the list. Unfortunately which serves up our blogrolls is under major renovation and has been unavailable for several months. Hopefully they'll get their issues straightened out soon, and I'll be able to update the lists. (Since I invested considerable time in making the blogrolls there, I don't really want to redo them if has a chance of coming back.)

Hi -- There are three of us blogging as part of the Cosmic Variance crew (physics and math), and the guys involved are all of the enlightened variety.

Okay, I think I've updated all the links up to here, now that Blogrolling is back up! Comment again if I've missed you.

We love your blog. We would LOVE to be included in your blogroll. We have you on ours!

Feminist Chemists believe that all women are created equal too.

Our site is a central repository of information that will educate and inspire and likely infuriate.

We are astonished that there is still a debate about the existence of discrimination against women in chemistry. If anyone still doubts this fact, our site provides irrefutable proof from diverse credible sources.

As Feminist Chemists we are opening chemistry to all people.


I'd love it if you'd be able to include Stemming on your blogroll -- it's a collaborative blog/community for/by women in the STEM fields discussing the issues they encounter and supporting and sharing resources with each other.

Thank you!!

-Clara (founder,

I would love to be listed in your blogroll under women in physics/astronomy.

My blog is called Living LIGO and focuses on my daily life as a LIGO scientist (both science and mundane). I've just started but I hope to make my blog an outreach outlet to help people understand the science of gravitational waves and to let people see that we are real people just like them!

