Good reads

I'm swamped (and last night's early bedtime did not help matters. I've got lectures to write, papers to grade, and exam to write (then grade), a lab to prepare...oh yeah, and some service obligations and the ever-elusive research time.

Fortunately, there are lots of wonderful things on the internets these days for y'all to read. Here are some notable ones:

  • The February Scientiae carnival is up at Fairer Science. Pat has done a fabulous job compiling all of the amazing stories that were submitted.
  • An awesome blog by a woman scientist has been enlisted by the Sb overlords. Please welcome Green Gabbro to the her new neighborhood. Green Gabbro is written by the newly-nymous Maria Brumm, and she talks about geology, feminism, and pie. In no particular order. Maybe she'll share some more thoughts about shedding her pseudonym, too. If you are not already reading her, why not?
  • Another new recruit to the Sb army is the great blog DrugMonkey. Written by two (presumably) men, DrugMonkey is particularly notable for dispensing career advice (from a more senior perspective) and paying some attention to gender issues in science. Plus, DrugMonkey and co-blogger PhysioProf have made some excellent comments on this blog, so I gotta show them some link love.

I've got a big pile of other links I'd love to share, but I won't. I've got to give a lecture in a few minutes.

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