Mommy Monday: Baby Steps

There. Now I've contributed to the clogging of the internet with another pointless youtube video. Don't I feel special.

But I thought that readers of this blog might enjoy seeing Minnow's newfound ability to walk. She was starting to take tentative steps in mid-December, but the fluid in her ears really set her back for a while. Nonetheless, the urge to walk is strong, and by New Year's day she was able to walk from one side of a room to another.

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I just love how she looks right into the camera at the end! Go Minnow!

By Writer Chica (not verified) on 07 Jan 2008 #permalink

I love the video. . . . there is not stopping her now. . . . you just thought you knew what busy was. . . . this new found freedom will keep going.

thats awesome! My son started walking at 9 months, way too early for us! My daughter is now 9 months and walking around the furniture, but has yet to make the plunge without support.

Doesn't having kids make science seem a little less serious and tolerable?