Haynes Manual: Lunar Rover Edition

I quite like these spurious yet serious Haynes manuals!

From the press blurb:

British science writer and broadcaster Professor Chris Riley has written a book on the story of the Apollo Lunar Rover to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the vehicle’s final drive on the Moon, in December 1972.

Commissioned even before the first human beings had walked on the Moon, and intended to carry future explorers further and faster, through the mountainous lunar highlands, the ‘LRVs’, as they were called, symbolized NASA’s commitment to human space exploration, and a future of people living and working on other worlds.

As Gene Cernan, the last man to drive a lunar rover on the Moon put it; ‘the president had plucked a decade out of the 21st century and inserted it into the 1960s and 70s’.

Link: Lunar Rover Manual


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By das bass boot (not verified) on 22 Nov 2012 #permalink